
  • PHP >= 5.3

  • CURL extension


1. Install composer:

$ curl -sS | php

2. Run the Composer command to install the latest version of SDK:

php composer.phar require yuansfer/yuansfer-php-sdk

3. Require Composer's autoloader in your PHP script (assuming it is in the same directory where you installed Composer):


PHAR with bundled dependencies

This is not recommended! Use Composer as a modern way of working with PHP packages.

1. Download PHAR file

2. Require files:


Please keep in mind that bundled dependencies may interfere with your other dependencies.


1. Init

use Yuansfer\Yuansfer;

$config = array(
    Yuansfer::MERCHANT_NO => 'The merchant NO.',
    Yuansfer::STORE_NO => 'The store NO.',
    Yuansfer::API_TOKEN => 'Yuansfer API token',
    Yuansfer::TEST_API_TOKEN => 'Yuansfer API token for test mode',

$yuansfer = new Yuansfer($config);

2. Create API

$api = $yuansfer->createSecurePay();

3. Set API Parameters

    ->setAmount(9.9) //The amount of the transaction.
    ->setCurrency('USD') // The currency, USD, CAD supported yet.
    ->setVendor('alipay') // The payment channel, alipay, wechatpay, unionpay, enterprisepay are supported yet.
    ->setTerminal('ONLINE') // ONLINE, WAP
    ->setReference('44444') //The unque ID of client's system.
    ->setIpnUrl('http://domain/example/callback_secure_pay_ipn.php') // The asynchronous callback method.
    ->setCallbackUrl('http://domain/example/callback_secure_pay.php'); // The Synchronous callback method.

4.1. Send

$response = $api->send();

4.2. Use Test Mode

$response = $api->send();

5. API return JSON, already decoded as an array

if ($response['ret_code'] === '000100') {
	header('Location: ' . $response['result']['cashierUrl']);

6. Exceptions when sending

try {
    $response = $api->send();
} catch (\Yuansfer\Exception\YuansferException $e) {
    // required param is empty
    if ($e instanceof \Yuansfer\Exception\RequiredEmptyException) {
        $message = 'The param: ' . $e->getParam() . ' is empty, in API: ' . $e->getApi();

    // http connect error
    if ($e instanceof \Yuansfer\Exception\HttpClientException) {
        $message = $e->getMessage();

    // http response status code < 200 or >= 300, 301 and 302 will auto redirect
    if ($e instanceof \Yuansfer\Exception\HttpErrorException) {
        /** @var \Httpful\Response http response */
        $response = $e->getResponse();

Last updated

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