Please keep in mind that bundled dependencies may interfere with your other dependencies.
1. Init
use Yuansfer\Yuansfer;
$config = array(
Yuansfer::MERCHANT_NO => 'The merchant NO.',
Yuansfer::STORE_NO => 'The store NO.',
Yuansfer::API_TOKEN => 'Yuansfer API token',
Yuansfer::TEST_API_TOKEN => 'Yuansfer API token for test mode',
$yuansfer = new Yuansfer($config);
2. Create API
$api = $yuansfer->createSecurePay();
3. Set API Parameters
->setAmount(9.9) //The amount of the transaction.
->setCurrency('USD') // The currency, USD, CAD supported yet.
->setVendor('alipay') // The payment channel, alipay, wechatpay, unionpay, enterprisepay are supported yet.
->setTerminal('ONLINE') // ONLINE, WAP
->setReference('44444') //The unque ID of client's system.
->setIpnUrl('http://domain/example/callback_secure_pay_ipn.php') // The asynchronous callback method.
->setCallbackUrl('http://domain/example/callback_secure_pay.php'); // The Synchronous callback method.