Apply Token
The apply-token interface is used to recieve an AccessToken or refresh your current AccessToken.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
merchantNo* | string | Merchant ID |
storeNo* | string | Store ID |
autoDebitNo* | string | The auto-debit record ID. |
grantType* | string | Possible value are 'AUTHORIZATION_CODE', 'REFRESH_TOKEN'. |
verifySign* | string | The parameter signature. |
Parameter | Type | Description |
result | object | The result object. |
ret_msg | string | The response return message. |
ret_code | string | The response return code. For more details, see here. |
Result Object
Parameter | Type | Description |
accessTokenExpiryTime | string | Expiry time of access token. |
autoDebitNo | string | Unique ID of auto debit record in Yuansfer's system. |
autoReference | string | Unique ID of auto debit in the merchant's system. |
vendor | string | The possible payment channels are "gcash", "kakaopay", "alipay", "alipay_hk", "dana", "truemoney", "tng", "easypaisa", "bkash". |
refreshTokenExpiryTime | string | Expiry time of refresh token. |
Last updated